Like so many others, my entire like I have searched to find the "real me". I've been through so many different stages....daddy's girl, bratty pre-teen, horrible teenager, wannabe thug, party girl young adult, to overly-responsible-no-fun adult. I've been a daughter, friend, girlfriend, wife, and step-mom. But, never have I truly felt like me.....just ME! I've always had a role to play; a mold to fit into.
After my separation and divorce, I didn't know what to do. I no longer had to take care of other people or put them first. It was just me and my furbabies (I'll introduce them in another post). I had so much free time. It was just work, then me time. I didn't even know what I liked to do anymore. For so many years, I planned family outings. Or couples outings. Or I had to catch up on things around the house. I now live in a small apartment (vs a 4 bed, 2 bath house with yard), so it takes less time to clean. I no longer have the family or circle of friends that came with married life.
At first, I unpacked and organized. And then reorganized. And reorganized again. I scoured Pinterest for ideas on the best way to organize to streamline my life. I felt so out of control in my life, that I needed my little space to be completely under control. While looking for ways to organize, I started finding ideas of decorating and re-purposing. Let me tell you, I enjoy the heck out of re-purposing. Breathing new life into something old, broken, or no longer useful (metaphor for my life maybe?). Follow me on Pinterest to see what's caught my interest at this moment.
Then, fitness and health happened. For those of you who have known me for a while, you can attest to the fact that I did not like exercise or movement (unless I was dancing). I was an unfit, unhealthy, junk-food-atarian. I didn't (and still don't) like to eat a lot of meat. I didn't like fruit or vegetables. Unless it was carbs, dairy, or fat, I wouldn't eat it. But, the move to the apartment didn't just affect me. I have two small dogs and a cat. They were used to having a larger house, backyard, and almost daily dog park trips. While trying to adjust, we had a hard time with separation anxiety. They would bark constantly when I left for work or errands. Part of it wasn't their fault....there were some younger kids with a serious lack of parenting banging on my window trying to make the dogs bark at them (not maliciously, but still harmful to my babies).
We started going on evening walks: to wear them out, give me a way out of the house, help us re-bond, and to help Jack's chubbiness. It started as 30 min, 1.5 miles. Then grew to 60 min, 3 miles. To adding short bursts of running, making better times, burning more calories. Jack and Jill were so happy, and I was getting that endorphin high. Plus, I started losing weight. YES!!!!
And then I found Blogilates......Pop Pilates, what a wonderfully, powerful burn. This site changed my life! It introduced me to quick, fun workouts that work!! I also started learning how to eat cleanly in a cheap and easy way. I'm telling you, this site is a game changer. If you haven't heard of it, check it out here:
Following Cassey's calenders, walking the dogs, and eating so much better increased the weight loss, but helped me find another passion. HEALTH! I'm obsessed with finding new ways of moving my body, better ways of eating, and emotional/spiritual balance. Over the last few years, I've tried pilates, yoga, archery, hiking, walking, weight-lifting, wii fit and other games, clean eating, essential oils; all of which I love!
With all of these new activities, I'm getting closer to the true me. I'll continue to share my past experiences, as well as keep you up to date on my current and future journeys. If I can inspire even one person to not give up or to try something new, then the craziness I call life will be worth it!
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