I've mentioned in a previous post or two how I fell in love with Blogilates and Pop Pilates. But, I never explained how that love affair started. I was walking the dogs a lot and starting to really get into fitness. I downloaded an app called Pretty Fit. It is a collection of different workout video clips. I stumbled across a video by Cassey Ho of Blogilates called Bubble Butt (Clenching My Booty)Workout. It said it was Pop Pilates for Beginners. I've tried Pilates in the past and liked it. And, I'm definitely a beginner. So, I gave it a shot. OH EM GEE!! It was hard but in a good way! I could feel it working...it hurt so good! But, it wasn't so hard, that you want to give up or feel like you can't finish. And something about Cassey made it easy to keep going. Now, I am not a happy, bubbly person; nor do I usually like happy, bubbly people. In fact, I usually curse at them through the television (laptop, phone, etc). But, she doesn't make me do that. So, I kinda fell in love with the workouts, and possibly even her (girl crush much!). Check out the video that started it all....
I've watched MANY of her glute targeted videos, because like I said, it is my favorite muscle group to work out. I've compiled some of my favorite moves. Make sure your core is tight and you are squeezing those glutes as much as you can. Fitness gurus always say to imagine a penny in between your cheeks....now don't let it drop!
The Grasshopper
Lie down on your stomach. Arms under your head with your knees bent. Heels are together, toes pointing out. Now squeeze your butt and lift. Repeat. On last repetition, hold.
The Arabesque Lift with Pulse
Hold a chair, couch, or counter. Lean forward. While planting right leg, lift left leg up as high as comfortable. Slowly lower to lightly touch toe to ground. Repeat. On last repetition, pulse. Switch sides.
The Heel Raise with Pulse
On all fours, straighten one leg. Lift as high as comfortable. Slowly lower to lightly touch toes to ground. Repeat. On last repetition, pulse. Switch sides. Can also be done as a donkey kick. Same movement, only the working leg is bent at knee, foot flat.
The Bridge with Pulse
Lie on back with knees bent. Raise and slowly lower pelvis. Repeat. On last repetition, pulse when lifted. I like to do this at the end, it gives me a little rest. But, if you'd like to make it harder, do this move with one leg lifted (make sure to do both sides).
One-Legged Deadlift
Standing on one leg, lean forward. Lift non-standing leg behind, and lower opposite arm (or both arms if using weights) towards the floor. Raise back to starting. Repeat. Switch sides.
Treadmill at Incline
If you are looking for some butt working cardio, try a treadmill at an incline. I like to work my way up, then walk at a decent pace (3 to 3.5 mph) at a 10% incline for as long as I can stand. My booty is burning after that!
You can also do squats, plie squats, lunges, but those get boring after awhile. And don't forget to stretch after! My favorite stretches.....
Pretzel Pose
(also known as the figure four pose lying down)
Figure Four Pose
Standing on left leg, cross right ankle over knee. Slowly squat while maintaining balance. Keep back straight. Arms can be out for balance, straight up to the sky, or in prayer pose (my favorite. Helps center and focus me). Hold, then switch sides.
Pigeon Pose
Go into a runner's lunge position. Lower front leg so the outside of the calf is on the floor. Back leg out behind you, as straight as possible. Lean and stretch forward as far as comfortable. Hold, then switch sides.
Have fun toning and growing that booty!
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