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Friday, March 27, 2015

Nutrition: when did food become food-like products?

Food and nutrition has been a big topic in my house recently.  GMOs (aka frankenfoods), artificial sugars, gluten, and organic are all hot topics.  In the Wildly Alive Weight Loss program, Nichole Kellerman Wurth discusses food (since most of us in that program have an issue with food).  While I know a little about these topics, I knew I needed to learn more.  I've also been a part of a 10+ day telesummit that regarding "self-mastery".  It includes recordings on over 20 health, fitness, and wellness professionals.  Between what I've learned from Nichole, this telesummit, and my new obsession with food documentaries, my life has been changed!!  Here's what I've learned and what I'm doing....


So, we all know GMO (genetically modified organism) foods are bad, right?  Did you know that over 80% of corn and over 90% of soy is GMO?  For those who don't know, GMOs are foods that have been genetically modified in a laboratory to exhibit certain characteristics.  This can be disease/pest resistance, better/consistent coloring, faster/easier growth cycles, better taste, etc.  Doesn't sound too bad....WRONG??  Scientists say GMOs are not harmful, but how do they know???  Just because these foods may not have shown short-term issues (and we all know how they manipulate testing) doesn't mean there will not be long-term issues.  GMOs have not been around long enough for us to know what effect they may have on our bodies, or what it could do to the genetics we pass on to cause issues in future generations.  Besides, Mother Nature knew what she was doing when she created our food.  Why mess with that?  Avoid GMOs at all costs!

Speaking of messing with mother nature, that brings me to artificial sweeteners.  What is wrong with natural sweeteners or naturally sweet foods?  You may think those light or diet foods are better for you, but they are actually worse!  Aspartame (Equal) has been linked to eye/ear problems, digestive issues, neurological disorders, death of brain cells, cancers, and so much more.  I recently discovered that EVERY gum I've been chewing has aspartame...ICK!! Sucralose (Splenda), while not as bad as aspartame, still causes some side effects....bladder/digestive issues, headaches, diarrhea, and rashes.  I've started checking every ingredient in my food and I am shocked at how many things contain sucralose.  Artificial sweeteners are considered zero-calorie ingredients because the body cannot break down and utilize them.  They are just flushed out the body through elimination.  Imagine what too many artificial sugars would do? Did you also know that sugar is addictive?  Hello, sugar cravings!  White sugar has been called the cocaine of foods.  Your best bet...limit all sugar, avoid artificial sweeteners, and use organic can sugar or stevia (Truvia) in moderation.

Now, what can we say about seems to be in everything.  While gluten isn't necessarily bad for everyone, too much gluten can cause sensitivities.  Before our food became so manufactured, wheat did not contain as much gluten as it does now.  Which is why gluten-sensitivity is a fairly recent health concern.  We also process the heck out of wheat to give us the white flours and breads.  Gluten-sensitivity causes digestive issues, mood/emotional issues, neurological disorders, and fatigue.  If you can avoid gluten completely, good!  But, I find it incredibly hard.  Sometimes, it is not easy to find certain foods that are gluten-free and taste great.  Thankfully, companies are starting to produce more options.  If, like me, you are not able to completely avoid gluten, cut back as much as you can and eat more whole grain options.  Whole grains provide more nutrients and keep you fuller longer.

Add caption food is supposed to be!  Organic means it is not genetically altered, no synthetic pesticides, no synthetic fertilizers, and no antibiotics or growth hormones.  To go a step further, there is also grass-fed and cage free.  This is when the animals used for meat or animal food products (eggs, cheese, milk) are grown in a more natural state.  Instead of being held in tiny areas and fed GMO corn and hormones, they are raised on grass and open space.  In other words, exactly how our ancestors grew and ate food. 

It is too hard to change so much at once, so the BF and I came up with a plan.  We will start with out most important.  We are already eating a fairly ok diet...we try to avoid gmo and gluten, as well as try to shop organically.  Like most families, we are on a budget, so it can be tricky.  GMOs are not labled, so it's almost impossible to know (thanks Monsanto), so we avoid the biggest offenders.  We limit corn and soy, and ONLY use organic (cannot knowingly be GMO) IF we eat it.  I have cut out white breads, replacing with whole or sprouted grain (still working on the BF with this one).  We also use gluten-free pasta and other products when possible.  Now, sugar is a hard one for me....addictive remember?  I love sugar!  So, I'm reducing all sugar and cutting out aspartame completely.  I'm also becoming aware of foods with sucralose, fructose, saccharine (Sweet'N Low) and trying to cut them out.  This one is going to take awhile.  Since organic foods tend to be pricier, we've committed to buying only organic fruits/vegetables and grass-fed/cage-free meat - working towards all animal products.  Everyone I've been learning from recently suggest the same thing....start small, only 1-2 changes at a time.  And don't go into it with a mindset of "removing" or "getting rid of".  Think of it as unhealthy thing for a healthy thing, so you don't feel a lack and struggle.
Have other ideas on how to get healthy?  Please let me, and the world, know.  Our society is bombarded with unhealthiness, we need to share our knowledge and love of health!  Good luck and Namaste!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Why am I so tired?!?!?!

I'm not a morning person.  At all!  I can sleep 12 hours and still struggle to feel awake before noon.  And I'm a serious night owl.  Here it is 10pm after a full day's work and getting up at 6:30am, and I just hit my second wind - wide awake!  But deep down, I'm fatigued every day.  I thought this was just me.  My internal clock is off, I'm weird, it's a symptom of my depression/anxiety, whatever.  What if that's not the case?  What if there is a real, biological reason?

Lately, I've been hearing a lot about adrenal fatigue.  Several coaches and fitness mentors have mentioned it.  With my obsessive need to learn, I looked it up.  Some medical websites aren't completely convinced, so I'll let you make your own decisions.  Adrenal fatigue is an "illness" where the adrenal glands are not functioning correctly or producing the hormones the body needs.  The adrenals produce adrenaline, cortisol, and aldosterone: fight or flight, metabolism control, and blood pressure control.  When your mind and body are experiencing constant or repeated stress, the adrenals start to tire out.  They can only control those hormones so much!

So what does adrenal fatigue feel or look like?  Here's a quick run down of major symptoms:
  • Tired, all the time, for no reason
  • Struggling to wake up, even with enough sleep
  • Run down, overwhelmed, depression, lethargic
  • Energy boost or feeling best in evening
  • Cravings for sweets or salt
  • Weight gain or trouble losing weight, especially on waist
  • Sleep issues
  • Eye sensitivity to sun
  • Muscle weakness or back/knee pain

Yep, sounds exactly like me.  I also took this adrenal fatigue quiz, just to see what it says.  It suggested I had a moderate case.  Now, I'll be honest, I haven't seen my doctor about this.  I'm going off of information I've found on WebMd, Mayo Clinic, blogs of those who've dealt with it, etc,  I also know my body and have learned to trust my intuition when it comes to medical conditions.  I have this strange knack of being able to correctly diagnose myself.

So, what do you do about it?  Again, I am not a doctor and I have not seen my doctor (yet), so I can only suggest natural methods.  I will never suggest something I haven't tried or wouldn't be willing to try myself.  The first thing I would suggest would be what I call "adrenal water".  I found the original recipe while surfing Pinterest (original post here).  I ended up tweaking it a bit, so here's my recipe:
  • 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar (with mother is best): regulates blood sugar, cholesterol, digestion, and hormones; anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory; controls cravings/hunger; detox
  • 1 Tbsp of lime (or lemon) juice: regulates blood sugar, and digestion; weight loss; detox
  • 4 tsp of stevia (or to taste): sweetener, minimizes vinegar taste
  • dash of cayenne pepper (to taste): metabolism boost/weight loss; detox, regulates blood sugar, blood pressure, and digestion
  • 32 oz distilled water: weight loss; detox; reduces stress hormones, regulates digestion; increased energy/mental function
Sounds exactly what someone experiencing adrenal fatigue would need, right?  The goal is to drink at least 32 oz of this water daily, until symptoms improve.  I'm on the last day of 2 weeks drinking this daily.  I felt an improvement after 3-4 days.  Now, I only drink my normal 2 cups of black tea in the morning for caffeine (and other health benefits) and do not suffer from an afternoon slump (Big surprise today...the BF admitted he thinks it's helping him as well.  Huge deal!).  My sugar cravings have decreased and my overall feeling of wellness has increased,  My digestion and regularity have improved.  I'm not sure if I've lost weight yet, but my stomach feels flatter to me.  I still struggle to get up in the morning...well, ok, I take that back.  I can get up at my normal 6:30am wake up call for work, but I've been working on getting up earlier for exercise (planning ahead for the HOT AZ summer) and meditation and it hasn't worked.  So, dont expect miracles after a day or two.  If you have a moderate to severe case, it may take awhile to improve your internal health.

So what else can you do in the mean time?  Rest!!  Lots and lots of rest!!!  With our busy schedules and active minds, it's hard to do, but it is the BEST thing you could do.  Try to go to bed earlier, sleep in on the weekends, take naps if needed.  You can also try meditation, or yoga nidra to relax. Read my Freed{om} post for benefits of meditation and yoga.  A healthy diet is also key!  Avoid refined sugars and caffeine.  Eat quality proteins, carbohydrates, with plenty of fruits and veggies

Since I'm into natural and alternative medicine, I'm also using a couple of Young Living Essential Oils, specifically EndoFlex and En-R-Gee.  This combination helps perk me right up.  You can diffuse them together or apply externally over adrenal areas or adrenal vita-flex points.

  • Sesame seed oil
  • Spearmint
  • Sage
  • Geranium
  • Myrtle
  • German Chamomile
  • Nutmeg

  • Rosemary
  • Juniper
  • Lemongrass
  • Nutmeg
  • Idaho Balsam Fir
  • Clove
  • Black Pepper
If you suspect you may have adrenal fatigue, always check with your doctor.  I can only tell you my story and what I'm doing that makes me feel better.  If you give any of these a try, or want to know more, please comment or send me a message.  I'd love to know how it works for you!!


Monday, March 16, 2015

Bootylicious : my favorite butt exercises

It's been awhile since I've posted, and I apologize for that, but trust me when I say I have some pretty awesome posts in the works.  While I'm busy researching and working on those, I wanted to still touch base.  According to a recent poll (ok I asked on facebook, lol), a post on exercise was wanted by the masses (ok, one friend, haha, but whatever).  So, I decided to share my favorite exercises for my favorite body part to work out....the butt!  I like big butts and I cannot lie...oh, oops.

I've mentioned in a previous post or two how I fell in love with Blogilates and Pop Pilates.  But, I never explained how that love affair started.  I was walking the dogs a lot and starting to really get into fitness.  I downloaded an app called Pretty Fit.  It is a collection of different workout video clips.  I stumbled across a video by Cassey Ho of Blogilates called Bubble Butt (Clenching My Booty)Workout.  It said it was Pop Pilates for Beginners.  I've tried Pilates in the past and liked it.  And, I'm definitely a beginner.  So, I gave it a shot.  OH EM GEE!!  It was hard but in a good way!  I could feel it hurt so good!  But, it wasn't so hard, that you want to give up or feel like you can't finish.  And something about Cassey made it easy to keep going.  Now, I am not a happy, bubbly person; nor do I usually like happy, bubbly people.  In fact, I usually curse at them through the television (laptop, phone, etc).  But, she doesn't make me do that.  So, I kinda fell in love with the workouts, and possibly even her (girl crush much!).  Check out the video that started it all....

I've watched MANY of her glute targeted videos, because like I said, it is my favorite muscle group to work out. I've compiled some of my favorite moves.  Make sure your core is tight and you are squeezing those glutes as much as you can.  Fitness gurus always say to imagine a penny in between your don't let it drop!

The Grasshopper

Lie down on your stomach.  Arms under your head with your knees bent.  Heels are together, toes pointing out.  Now squeeze your butt and lift. Repeat.  On last repetition, hold.

The Arabesque Lift with Pulse

Hold a chair, couch, or counter. Lean forward.  While planting right leg, lift left leg up as high as comfortable. Slowly lower to lightly touch toe to ground. Repeat.  On last repetition, pulse. Switch sides.

The Heel Raise with Pulse

On all fours, straighten one leg. Lift as high as comfortable.  Slowly lower to lightly touch toes to ground.  Repeat.  On last repetition, pulse.  Switch sides.  Can also be done as a donkey kick.  Same movement, only the working leg is bent at knee, foot flat.

The Bridge with Pulse

Lie on back with knees bent.  Raise and slowly lower pelvis.  Repeat.  On last repetition, pulse when lifted. I like to do this at the end, it gives me a little rest.  But, if you'd like to make it harder, do this move with one leg lifted (make sure to do both sides).

One-Legged Deadlift

Standing on one leg, lean forward.  Lift non-standing leg behind, and lower opposite arm (or both arms if using weights) towards the floor.  Raise back to starting.  Repeat.  Switch sides.

Treadmill at Incline

If you are looking for some butt working cardio, try a treadmill at an incline.  I like to work my way up, then walk at a decent pace (3 to 3.5 mph) at a 10% incline for as long as I can stand.  My booty is burning after that!

You can also do squats, plie squats, lunges, but those get boring after awhile.  And don't forget to stretch after!  My favorite stretches.....

Pretzel Pose 
(also known as the figure four pose lying down)

Lying on back, bend knees.  Put right ankle on left knee.  Slowly life left leg to 90 degrees.  Thread right arm between legs.  Both arms grasp left thigh and lightly pull towards you, while pushing right knee out.  For added stretch, straighten left leg.  Hold, then switch sides.

Figure Four Pose

Standing on left leg, cross right ankle over knee.  Slowly squat while maintaining balance. Keep back straight.  Arms can be out for balance, straight up to the sky, or in prayer pose (my favorite. Helps center and focus me).  Hold, then switch sides.

Pigeon Pose

Go into a runner's lunge position.  Lower front leg so the outside of the calf is on the floor.  Back leg out behind you, as straight as possible.  Lean and stretch forward as far as comfortable.  Hold, then switch sides.

I'm including links to all the pictures I used, so you can peruse and find some other exercises you may like.  If there is another area you'd like me to share my favorites on, drop me a line.  Remember, I am not a fitness expert, I have not studied fitness, and talk to your doctor before you start any exercise routine.  These are just a few of my favorite exercises that really make my booty burn.

Have fun toning and growing that booty!